The success of HBNC in the Gadchiroli field trial
prompted SEARCH to test its replicability (Project ANKUR:2001 to
2005). It proved that HBNC was indeed replicable. (more....)
Indian council of Medical Research, supported by
Government of India has undertaken a replication study in 5 states
(Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, maharashtra) of India
over a population of 600,000. The training phase of the project
has ended and it has entered the implementation phase of delivery
of complete package of HBNC
In a convention held in New Delhi on august 10,
2006 it was unanimously declared (in the context of India) that
"The time has now come that based on the evidence and learnings
from, Gadchiroli, ANKUR and ICMR studies, we can take the HBNC for
scaling up and should not delay further" (more....)